Diogo Marques, Author at EU Seguros
Inferential Statistics Course

Inferential Statistics Course

Introductory Course on Inferential Statistics In this one hour free course we cover the main topics you will need to know in any inferential statistics – college level coursework. Enjoy. Subscribe to our newsletterGet important specialized information to help your...
What Is the Maximum Likelihood Estimation

What Is the Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Maximum Likelihood Estimation This technique allows us to find the regression line equation, but instead of using the distance of the data point to the line like we do with the Ordinary Least Squares Method, here we use the normal distribution curve of all the points...
What Is The Method Of Moments

What Is The Method Of Moments

Method of Moments The Method of Moments is an inferential technique for estimating Population Parameters. These can be: the mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis and more. We call Moments to the Expected Values of a Random Variable.  We generate each moment by: ....
Advanced Macroeconomics concepts

Advanced Macroeconomics concepts

The following list, contains a brief summary of more advanced macroeconomics concepts as you are interested in advance in the field: Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models: These models are used to analyze the fluctuations and interactions of...