What is a monopsony? A monopsony is a monopoly for labor. Think about Google for instance. Google is a monopoly in their field and a monopsony when hiring workers. By looking at the graph we start off with the Demand Curve which is downward sloping and the supply...
Why is the Marginal Revenue Curve for a Monopoly Is Below the Demand Curve? When studying different market structures like perfect competitive markets or monopolies, we need to first start by understanding how they relate to the consumer. A perfectly competitive firm...
In this article, we will go through the main differences between perfect and imperfect competition, so you can get a clearer understanding of these concepts. All firms operating within each of these sections are called market structures. What is A Perfect Competition?...
About Diogo Marques
Areas of Expertise: Registered Independent Financial Advisor. Specialized in Investments and Life Insurance
Education: BSc Economics - London School of Economics
Track-Record: Working as a consultant since 2004 Sold first company in 2015 Joined the insurance sector in 2017
Current Focus and 2022 Objectives: Candidate to the MDRT €2.0M in Life Insurance Applications 104 Golden Visa Applications 208 SIFIDE II - Tax Applications €100M in Industrial/Commercial Real Estate Transactions